Halo kawan ku buat kalian yang mau buat team / clan boleh banget dengan ikuti tutorial yang gw berikan dari gw ini se,oga kalian paham
Ini adalah perintah yang diperlukan setiap pengguna untuk berinteraksi dengan tim yang lebih baik, secara default semua perintah ini dapat diakses oleh semua orang. Jika Anda ingin menghilangkan izin, simpul izinnya adalah: BetterTeams.standard Perintah yang dapat diakses semua
/team join - Joins the specified team
/team create - Creates a new team with that name
/team leave - Leaves the current team
/team home - Teleports to the teams home location
/team chat [message] - If a message is included, it will send a single message to the team chat, if no message is included the player will be moved to the team chat (all further messages will go there)
/team info [team/player] - Provides information on the team or the team that the specified player is in. */team help - Provides a personalised help page, which will only show the commands that the user has access to Commands that admins and owners of teams have access to:
/team invite - Invites the specified player to the team
/team kick - Kicks the specified player from the team (players can only kick members a lower rank than their own)
/team ban - Bans a player from the team (players can only ban users a lower rank than their own)
/team unban - Allows the specified player to join back into the team.
/team sethome - Sets the location of the team home (accessed by /team home)
Semoga paham ya baboi
Last updated